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Dr. Anish Bajaj

Dr. Bajaj has 23 years of training and expertise in natural health care. He uses an all-natural approach to help patients with chronic lung diseases such as COPD, IPF, and sarcoidosis.


The goal of his treatment is to improve patients shortness of breath, reduce their dependence on oxygen, and help improve their quality of life.*


Dr. Bajaj can help you if:

  • You have been diagnosed with COPD or another chronic lung disease

  • You have been suffering from fatigue, shortness of breath, and cough

  • You are using oxygen therapy

  • Your breathing is getting progressively worse

Meet the doctor

Meet The Doctor

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Dr. Anish Bajaj

Dr. Bajaj began his practice in Chiropractic in New York City in 2001 with a focus on wellness and integrative health care strategies.  He is the Director of Well Rooted Health, LLC in Westfield NJ, and Bajaj Chiropractic PC in New York, NY.  As a former asthmatic, Dr. Bajaj’s clinical protocols and research have centered around better oxygenation through clearing spinal interference, improving breath control and enhancing circulation.  In all of his programs he promotes breathing awareness through improved control of the breath and monitoring of oxygen levels from exercise to sleep. Dr. Bajaj offers customized herbal and nutritional protocols to support patients’ individual needs. He specializes in the use of Sacro-Occipital-Technique, Soft Tissue Orthopedics, Extremity Adjusting, Electro-Therapeutics, Custom Orthotics and Cold Laser Applications.


Dr Bajaj served as brain research consultant to the Path Foundation and co-founded the American Decompression Pro Chiropractors which introduced the patented Neuro-Oxy Spinal Decompression Technique.  His research in the fields of neuroscience, addiction, angiogenesis electrotherapeutics, genetics and cognitive functional correlations to bone metabolism were published in peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Personalized Medicine and BMC Endocrine Disorders. As an anti-aging expert, Dr. Bajaj served as Instructor for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine where he lectured around the U.S., as well as in Paris, Singapore, and Beijing as a guest of the World Congress on Anti-Aging.  He is a member of the Foot Levelers Speakers Bureau teaching postgraduate courses nationally.  He serves as an Executive Officer on the Board of the New York Chiropractic Council while also serving as the Chair of Neuroscience & Research, developing content for practitioner development amid the Opioid crisis.  Dr. Bajaj was the recipient of the Beacon award for Chiropractor of The Year in 2022 by the New York Chiropractic Council.  He is currently working on advancement of EEG data utilization in research, clinician support and patient education applications for behavior modification.


Well Rooted Lung Health & Wellness Natural Therapy

Traditional Chinese Medicine is based upon the premise of balance between the body’s core organs and the structure (Yin) and function (Yang) within each organ. COPD is considered a lung Yin deficiency in Traditional Chinese Medicine. 


​The use of chiropractic care can assist in the restoration of lung function. Traditional Chinese Medicine that targets lung Yin and chiropractic care has been improving patients quality of life.*

What To Expect

1-2 weeks

2-4 weeks

3 months

6 months

increased energy & reduced shortness of breath*

reduced cough & phlegm*

reduced oxygen use and pharmaceutical drugs*

improved lung structure & function*

Herbal Medicine

Patient Stories

Just a quick note to say how pleased I am with the results of your treatment. When I started with the treatment, I was on 2 liters of oxygen 24 hours a day. I now only use the oxygen at night and when doing treadmill 2.8 mph at 3.5 grade for 40 minutes 4-5 times a week. I consider this a significant improvement, and actually don’t have to see my pulmonologist for another year.**

**Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed.

Dr. Bajaj's office to find out more.

Contact Dr. Bajaj

*DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary. Do not change or discontinue any prescription medications unless directed by your primary physician.
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Well Rooted
Lung Health
& Wellness

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product and program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Well Rooted Health

189 Elm Street

Westfield, NJ 07090


with affiliate location in New York


16 Madison Square West

New York, NY10010


Please submit a request form to schedule an appointment

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